As New York City expands its available slots for the Summer Youth Employment Program and other work-based learning, there is a need to build and strengthen employer partnerships to successfully...
As New York City expands its available slots for the Summer Youth Employment Program and other work-based learning, there is a need to build and strengthen employer partnerships to successfully...
About This Learning Brief Series JobsFirstNYC and New Visions for Public Schools are spearheading the Transfer 2 Career Collaborative (T2C), an innovative career development strategy for New York City transfer...
If we have learned anything from the Great Recession and its accompanying recovery efforts just a decade ago, it’s that young adult generations that enter the labor market in an...
Why Diversifying Postsecondary Education Can Create a Better Workforce for New York We taught a professional learning module to New York City Department of Education teachers and counselors. One set...
As New York City grapples with a protracted economic crisis brought on by COVID-19, city leaders will be searching for opportunities to help spark a lasting economic rebound and regain...
Our latest report, Equitable Recovery for Young Adults: An Agenda for Young Adult Workforce Development in New York City provides a set of citywide policy priorities rooted in the real needs of...
An effective workforce development system is key to New York City’s well-being, and this is true now more than ever. Within the first three months of the coronavirus pandemic, unemployment...
The latest in our Innovations in the Field series is co-published between JobsFirstNYC and New Visions for Public Schools, and tells the story of the first two years of the...
In mid-November 2020, JobsFirstNYC launched our Agenda for Young Adult Workforce Development with a committee of over 40 multi-sector leaders from across the field. These leaders came together with JobsFirstNYC...