Community District 8: A Profile of Challenges and Opportunities

JobsFirstNYC has published a new, in-depth data profile of New York City Council District 8 (CD 8), Council District 8: A Profile of Challenges and Opportunities, in support of our recently launched community-based collaboration to enhance the economic mobility of young adults in the district.

Understanding the Challenges in District 8

How can we ensure that young adults in Council District 8 have access to the opportunities they deserve? Addressing this challenge requires a deeper understanding of the interconnected factors that influence workforce participation in the district. Significant barriers—ranging from housing and health to education and employment—limit financial stability and career advancement for young adults in Council District 8. Systemic inequities further restrict access to postsecondary education, skills training, and quality jobs with family-sustaining wages. This report examines these workforce challenges, providing key insights and data-driven recommendations to create pathways for professional growth and long-term success.

Download the Executive Summary

“I believe we can reimagine economic mobility for young adults in Council District 8, and this report serves as a valuable resource to inform policy decisions and initiatives aimed at supporting the professional growth and success of our young workforce.”
– Deputy speaker Diana Ayala of the New York City Council and City Council member representing Council District 8

Download the Full Report

A Data-Driven Approach to Solutions

JobsFirstNYC commissioned the Community Service Society of New York to develop this data profile of CD 8 to provide the context for understanding opportunities and challenges related to economic mobility in the district. This paper serves as a foundation for the development of a community partnership aimed at enhancing opportunities for young adults. It is intended to serve both as a ready source of community-level data and as an analytical tool that can help inform policy and program priorities for CD 8.

District 8 At a Glance

East Harlem, Mott Haven, Longwood, Highbridge, Concourse, and Port Morris in the Southeast Bronx; Population: ~280,000

Key Recommendations

  1. Create a seamless continuum of integrated services across educational institutions, employers, and youth development institutions.
  2. Support neighborhood partnership development. It is crucial to tap into local expertise in addressing the needs of young adults who are out of school and out of work. Effective place-based collaborations utilize community knowledge to offer a range of coordinated services and supports. Collaborating and building networks with a facilitation partner can help identify strategies and create comprehensive plans to address the challenges faced by community members.
  3. Replicate and scale successful partnership models between youth-serving organizations and institutions of higher education.
  4. Prioritize economic mobility and pathways to prosperity for young adults affected by systemic neglect or inequitable policies by centering them in the planning process and ensuring that youth workforce programs are aligned with their interests.
  5. Create training programs for nontraditional jobs, industries, and work arrangements, including entrepreneurship and self-employment.

Get Involved

Informed action drives sustainable impact. This report provides key insights to develop targeted economic mobility solutions for District 8 residents. By aligning resources, strengthening partnerships, and amplifying community voices, we can create lasting pathways to prosperity and self-sufficiency.

For more about Council District 8, read the full report here or contact Roman Jackson, Vice President, Community Solutions at JobsFirstNYC via email at

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