Strengthening Tomorrow’s Workforce: Celebrating National Apprenticeship Week

November 13–19, 2023, the U.S. Department of Labor will spotlight National Apprenticeship Week, a nationwide recognition of the value and success of apprenticeships. This year’s theme, Registered Apprenticeships: Super Highway to Good Jobs, highlights the industry-driven, high-quality career pathways that apprenticeships offer.

National Apprenticeship Week is dedicated to highlighting the positive impact apprenticeships have on individuals and the economy. It’s a time when educators, employers, and apprentices themselves come together to recognize the role of apprenticeships in shaping the future workforce. During the week of celebration all eyes will be on the apprenticeship learning model and its potential for young adults.

Why Apprenticeships Matter for Young Adults

An apprenticeship is an industry-driven, high-quality career pathway where employers develop and prepare their future workforce. Apprentices obtain paid work experience, through on-the-job learning and under the supervision of an experienced mentor, while also continuing to develop their skills in structured classroom instruction. 

Apprenticeships prepare young adults for the workforce by instilling a strong work ethic, professional skills, and industry-specific knowledge. This readiness equips them for a smoother transition into full-time employment upon completion of the program. A 2022 Multiverse report by Multiverse, Professional Apprenticeships: Defining a New Way to Train and Hire for Today’s Employers, found that, “Six out of ten young adults think workforce experience is the most crucial element to prepare for a successful career, but said that it’s missing from the traditional college experience.”

Hands-On Learning for In-Demand Skills

Apprenticeships allow participants to learn workplace-relevant skills in the field of their choice through a useful blend of classroom education and hands-on training. They are often designed in collaboration with industry partners, ensuring that apprentices learn skills that are in high demand in the job market. This increases their chances of securing meaningful employment. For young adults, this practical experience is invaluable, allowing them to learn by doing, acquiring real-world skills that are directly applicable to their chosen field.

Learn While You Earn 

Unlike traditional educational paths that often come with hefty tuition fees and student loans, apprenticeships provide an important source of income. Young adults can earn a wage while acquiring valuable skills, making it a financially sustainable route to career development. Some apprenticeship programs also provide college credits for experience.

Diverse Career Opportunities 

Apprenticeships are now available in a wider range of industries, from healthcare and IT to construction and culinary arts. This diversity allows young adults to explore various career options and discover their passions. According to Education Next, “The proportion of new non-construction apprenticeships has grown in 20 years and is approaching an equal share with new construction apprenticeships nationwide.” 

Apprentices may also develop entrepreneurial ambitions, and the skills acquired during apprenticeships can be a stepping stone to starting their own business or pursuing leadership roles within their industries.

Increased Earnings Potential without Student Debt 

Stu­dent loans are one of the high­est sources of debt for Amer­i­cans, sec­ond only to mort­gages. In 2022 CNBC reported that “Today, around 44 million Americans owe a combined $1.7 trillion for their education.” The burden of student loans has become a significant concern for many young adults and apprenticeships provide an alternative route to skill acquisition without accumulating educational debt, offering financial peace of mind. Apprentices often find that their skills and experience translate into higher earning potential compared to their peers who follow traditional educational paths. This financial advantage can set the stage for a more secure future.


Apprenticeship Week is a time to celebrate the meaningful pathways and potential that this work-based learning approach offers. It also provides an opportunity for robust discussion about improving the model to increase accessibility. As the workforce landscape continues to evolve, apprenticeships remain a powerful bridge between education and employment, giving job seekers the skills, experience, and confidence they need to succeed. 

For young adults, National Apprenticeship Week serves as a reminder that their career aspirations are well within reach, and that they have the chance to shape their future in a way that is both fulfilling and financially rewarding. 

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