Teens Chasing Scarce U.S. Jobs Boosted by State Programs

Bloomberg | by Ben Schenkel


Eduardo Bueno landed a job as a hotel bellman in New York this year after finishing a youth employment program that let the 18-year-old practice interviewing and overcome a nervous stutter.

With his first full-time position, Bueno said he can help his mother financially and plans to start taking college classes. “My main dream is to get my bachelor’s in hospitality management and become a general manager someday,” said Bueno, who is from New York’s Lower East Side.

Like all businesses in New York state, the Holiday Inn where Bueno works is eligible to receive a tax credit for students between ages 16 and 19 on the payroll. Approved earlier this year to help offset a minimum-wage increase, the policy is designed to spur hiring of teenagers and prevent further decline in their employment levels.

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