Sector Network: Green Economy


The Green Economy Network is a partnership between workforce development agencies, community-based organizations, and employers that strengthens collaboration among nonprofits, colleges, and employers to improve skills training, leverage knowledge and resources, and increase access to careers in the green economy.

The Challenge

In New York City, economic burdens and legacy pollutants leave under-resourced communities especially vulnerable to the effects of climate change.

Efforts to mitigate this urgent challenge can potentially create high-quality, good-paying jobs. However, the communities most affected by climate change often face the greatest difficulty in accessing these jobs. New York City needs a collaborative, unified strategy to prepare the green workforce—with a focus on including those most affected—and to meet the city’s lofty climate goals by 2030.

At the time of the partnership’s first convening in 2020, stakeholders highlighted the following:







The Approach

The Green Economy Network establishes effective practices and aligns current systems to create green jobs and career paths, prioritizing access and sustainability.

As New York City and State implement plans for climate and equity, the Green Economy Network aligns data, policy, practice, workforce, and economic development. It has built a community of practice among organizations and people working in this space.

The Network brings together hundreds of nonprofits, government agencies, and employers to assess the green economy, improve the collective understanding of challenges and opportunities, connect workforce developers with employers, and facilitate a faster transition to a greener future. The Network is committed to:

  • Developing formal employer partnerships to increase economic opportunities, understand industry needs and priorities, align partners by sector, and develop and market training.
  • Establishing replicable, scalable paths for jobseekers to enter and advance in quality careers in the green economy.
  • Advocating for standardized government investments in green economy careers.


The Network has completed the investigate, imagine, and incubate phases of JobsFirstNYC’s partnership development process and is currently in the implementation phase, which will impact green career pathways and job quality, ultimately benefiting jobseekers and employers alike.


$185Kfunds raised and leveraged
200+individuals engaged
100+organizations involved
3working groups

Green Economy Network Members

Green City Force
JCC SI_logo_2020__002_
Marvel Consults
New York City Housing Authority

Green Economy Systems Map for New York

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